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Installing a CGI Proxy on Tomcat

This installation guide has been established using the following system configuration:
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Java JRE build 1.6.0_29-b11
  • Tomcat version 6.0.33 (Windows Service Installer)
  • The CGI-Proxy is written in Python

1. Download the proxy.cgi file from the OpenLayers web site:
Comment: This file is also included in the OpenLayers API download:

2. Modify the proxy.cgi file to include your domain in the allowedHosts list:
allowedHosts = ['www.yourdomain.com:8080']
Comment: Note that you have to include domain AND port here.

3. Copy the proxy.cgi file to the following folder:

4. Modify the file web.xml of your web app by adding the sections below. You find the file at

Comment: In case the web.xml file doesn’t exist for your webapp, just create it yourself or copy it from another webapp and modify it.
Comment: the “param-value” for the “executable” parameter has to contain the path to your Pyhton installation.



5. Modify the file context.xml of your web app by adding the element below. You find the file at
Comment: In case the context.xml file doesn’t exist for your webapp, just create it yourself or copy it from another webapp and modify it.

  <Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" useHttpOnly="true" />

6. Restart Tomcat

7. To use the proxy with OpenLayers, just include this single line into your code:
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/yourWebApp/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url=";