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Private News and Thoughts

Posted on 15 November 2013 by berno

The super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan caused horrible damage on the Philippines. As geographic information like up-to-date images, reports on damages, blocked roads, etc. are oftentimes not available after environmental disasters, the GIScience group at University of Heidelberg spontaneously set up a number of activities:

- A new WebSite http://crisismap.geog.uni-heidelberg.de that visualizes new map layers (“Elements at Risk” and “Population Distribution” for the Philipines). Further it adds a currently less populated Flickr layer and a storm surge layer on top of the H.O.T. base map.
CrisiMap Interface

- Due to a request by the crisis mappers also a simple table with the “Elements at Risk“ has been made available as csv-file:

- An OSM Mapathon for generating a street map of the affected areas:

- A live layer of Instagram images; it’s also available as a WFS/WMS layer here.

Please let us know if you have got any further data to integrate or ideas on improvement! Here are my contact details:

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Posted on 21 May 2013 by berno

Here’s a nice and quite comprehensive newspaper article about my research (unfortunately in German):


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Posted on 14 January 2012 by berno

I recently read this article in the Austrian newspaper derStandard:
Feuchtgebiete in den Alpen

It’s basically a semi-funny illustration of a ski instructor’s “après-professional” part of a working day.

However, the hammer strikes just at the end – when the short bio mentions his birth place ;-/

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Posted on 21 October 2011 by berno

Hey ho!!

First impression of Osna – just great!! The people are extremely friendly, the volleyball team is great fun and my colleagues at university are very far-sighted and cooperative. I really had a blast of a start up here!

For those of you who don’t know where Osnabrück is by now – it’s here ;-)

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